Alan’s GTP has 24 Hour Economy Already - Afrafranto Supporters

Supporters of Hon. Alan Kyerematen's Movement for Change (MFC) has debunked the originality of a 24-hr economy as the brainchild of John Mahama, suggesting the policy was part of Alan's Great Transformational Policy.

In a gallant display of advocacy, Afrafranto, the dedicated supporters of Alan Kyerematen's Movement for Change, attributed the media engulfed 24-hr economy to the former Trade and Industry Minister.

At a massively patronized political walk in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region, supporters raised placards with inscriptions that associated the 24-hr economy to Alan Kyerematen.

With fluttering butterflies as the symbol for MFC, the enthusiastic supporters brandished placards proclaiming the ingenuity of Alan's Government Transformation Plan (GTP), led by the 24-hour economy.

This spirited demonstration was not just a show of support for Kyerematen but also a direct response to the opposing stance presented by John Mahama, who advocated for a 24-hour economy in his next government.

Their placards boldly asserted, "Alan's GTP already has a 24-hr economy in place," serving as a resounding declaration of the endorsement for the seasoned Trade and Industry Minister.

The notion of a 24-hour economy has been a focal point in the political discourse, with both camps positioning their vision for Ghana's economic future.

However, the Afrafranto movement's emphasis on the existing initiatives spearheaded by Kyerematen seeks to challenge Mahama's proposition and illustrate that the policy must be attributed to Alan Cash.

The symbolism of the butterfly, representative of transformation and evolution, aligns seamlessly with Kyerematen's vision for a progressive and dynamic Ghanaian economy.

As Ghana's political landscape gears up for the 2024 General Elections, Alan's Great Transformational Plan has been hailed as on of the most creative policies by the industry experts.

Alan Kyerematen served as the Trade and Industry Minister under two regimes for nearly 10 years before resigning from the New Patriotic Party to form Movement for Change.