Bawumia's Running Mate: 'I Forgive You' - Nana Akomea To Prof. Smart Sarpong

Nana Akomea has accepted an apology from Professor Smart Sarpong, a Senior Research Fellow at the Kumasi Technical University, over his statements regarding who becomes Running Mate to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

The New Patriotic Party awaits its Running Mate following their election of Vice President Dr. Bawumia as flagbearer leading them into the 2024 elections.

Though nobody has been chosen yet, there appears to be a strong lobbying for some persons to be considered for the position.

Names like Matthew Opoku Prempeh, Energy Minister, Akosua Frema-Osei Opare, Chief of Staff, Henry Kwabena Kokofu, Chief Executive of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) among others have cropped up.

Speaking on Peace FM's flagship programme "Kokrokoo" days ago, Prof. Smart Sarpong appealed to Nana Akomea, who plays a key role in the Bawumia campaign team, not to bother himself with being appointed to partner Dr. Bawumia.

Although Nana Akomea hasn't expressed desire in becoming a Running Mate, Prof. Smart Sarpong, in his submissions, sounded like the STC boss may be interested in the position and begged him to abstain from it.

Prof. Smart Sarpong Cautions

“Now that both the NDC and NPP have selected their flagbearers, discussions about running mates will be a priority. As of now, both Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and former President John Dramani Mahama have been contemplating their potential running mates.

“Some of the names being considered are interesting and have potential. Yesterday, my uncle, Kwesi Pratt, expressed his happiness that Honorable Dr. Kwabena Kokofu has been mentioned among the potential running mates.

“But for my elder brother, Nana Akomea, I would like to appeal to you; he is my elder brother and when we, as a family, convened to discuss his readiness, we did not agree. His time is not now. We gathered as the Nsutam Development Committee. Although he is a fine gentleman with great potential, the timing is not right for him. Therefore, I urge them to leave him for us; his time has not yet come,” he said.


But the Professor has made a U-turn apologizing for his statements stating he has come under intense criticisms and finds it appropriate to render an apology to Nana Akomea and the people of Nsutam.

His apology was delivered on his behalf through a message he sent to the sit-in host of 'Kokrokoo' show, Nana Yaw Kesseh, during the Tuesday, December 5, edition of 'Kokrokoo'.

Nana Akomea, receiving the information on the show, forgave the Professor on behalf of the Nsutam Development Committee and himself.

Setting the record straight, he stated that there has been no meeting by the Committee where they urged him not to accept a Running Mate offer as claimed by Prof. Smart Sarpong.

"In the first place, I have never told any Nsutam Development Committee that I want to be a Running Mate for them to even hold a meeting and also no Committee has had any meeting on it," he told Nana Yaw Kesseh.