NPP Primaries: I Commend You For Being Invited To Correct Your Wrongs - Prof. Smart Sarpong To Dr. Okoe Boye

Professor Smart Sarpong, a Senior Research Fellow at the Kumasi Technical University, has commended the Chief Executive Officer of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, on his return to the parliamentary ticket of the New Patriotic Party.

Dr. Okoe Boye, over the weekend, secured a landslide victory to represent the New Patriotic Party in Ledzokuku constituency in the 2024 parliamentary elections.

Dr. Boye, who lost the Ledzokuku seat in Parliament during the 2020 election, garnered 902 votes to beat his closest contender, Collins Nii Ashitey Ollenu, who got 354.

The other contestants, Clifford Martey and Ibrahim Adjei obtained 199 and 180 votes respectively out of a total 1635 valid votes cast.

Speaking on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", Prof. Smart Sarpong was elated that the NHIA boss has been given another chance to compete in the parliamentary race.

"I applaud Dr. Okoe Boye. He has been invited onto the scene to come and correct whatever went wrong in the last elections," he remarked.