"Who Are You?" - Atik Mohammed 'Fights' Dennis Miracles Over Lithium Deal

Director of Local Government Services at the Office of the President, Dennis Miracles Aboagye and Atik Mohammed, a former PNC General Secretary, on Thursday locked horns while discussing the lithium mining lease granted to Barari DV Ltd.

The two panel members on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” morning show picked on each other while sharing their opposing views on the lithium deal which has aroused controversies.

With Atik objecting to the deal, Dennis Miracles believed the former and his kind of critics are overemphasizing their positions on the deal.

Atik Mohammed argued that the deal is “not protected by any law” and questioned the negotiation skills of the sector Minister saying “we cannot rely on the negotiation skills of a Minister to determine how much carried interest we should have in lithium. This (lithium) is the future. It is going to replace oil, so we can’t be relying on his negotiation skills”.

Atik intimated that he is sending a petition to Parliament to challenge the deal.

On the part of Dennis Miracles, Atik and his likes have no better job to do, hence wasting their energies on criticizing this lithium agreement.

“Sometimes, people need to get busy. It’s okay,” Dennis said, adding “a lot of the people making the commentary are jumping the gun. They are making a lot of assumptions. A lot of the points they are making are not rounded on any facts”.

Following Dennis’ submissions, Atik took a turn to clarify his points and this is where matters intensified.

The studios got heated up with back and forth arguments between the two when Atik Mohammed said the government is behaving like they are interested in protecting the investors rather than the interest of Ghanaians.

His comment didn’t sink down well with Dennis Miracles who responded “no, no, you can’t say that”.

“No, I can’t let him finish,” he insisted when the host of the show, Kwami Sefa Kayi intervened.

This reply from Dennis provoked a reaction from Atik who exclaimed “who are you?”

“Who are you to tell me you can’t let me finish?”, he further hollered.