We Have Nowhere to Go If Ghana Becomes a War Zone . . . Be Wise! - Dr. Otchere-Ankrah Blasts NDC Dep. General Secretary

Dr. Benjamin Otchere-Ankrah, a Governance Lecturer at the Central University, has slammed the Deputy General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mustafa Gbande, for instructing members and supporters of the party to go into the 2024 polls with machetes and guns.

He charged the NDC members to to protect themselves against the governing New Patriotic Party during next year's elections, saying "they think the way to go is violence, so I've told our leaders that if possible let's prepare twice the NPP and wait for them".

"When you are going to the polling station put a cutlass in your pocket . . . if we do, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) will not be able to misbehave toward us", he added in an interview on Okay FM's "Ade Akye Abia" programme.

Dr. Otchere-Ankrah found these words extremely unfortunate wondering how any person would incite people to engage in violence.

He prayed the youth disregard the message by the NDC General Secretary, stressing some ordinary Ghanaians have nowhere to travel to should the nation erupt into civil war.

"The youth of Ghana should listen; be wise!", he exclaimed in his address on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show.

He also emphasized; "It is because of God's love for us, that is why such things don't happen to us. Should those things happen here, we have nowhere to go".

He warned those inciting others to violence to be very "careful. Let's be measured in our utterances".