Medical Team Reveals Chef Faila’s Health Condition

The medical team at the Tamale Cook-A-Thon event has said Chef Failatu Abdul-Razak is in good health and excellent condition.

According to them, regular examinations are conducted to ensure her fitness and well-being.

As the Cook-A-Thon comes to an end, Chef Failatu stands out as the sole woman persevering in her quest to establish an unbreakable record for the longest cooking marathon in the Guinness World Record attempt.
Despite concerns expressed by some about the potential impact of stress on her health, the medical team lead, Dr. Valentine Akwulpwa, a Senior Physician Specialist at the Tamale Teaching Hospital, expressed confidence in Chef Failatu’s well-being.

Dr. Akwulpwa explained that, the medical team made up of professionals from various fields, including physicians, cardiologists, neurologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and psychologists, among others discharged their duties judiciously.

He affirmed that, Chef Failatu is under careful monitoring and in good hands.

In an interview with GBC News, Dr. Akwulpwa said a comprehensive health check is done on Chef Failatu during her breaks.

In response to concerns about potential health challenges after the event, he assured that Chef Failatu is currently in a robust state and will continue to be monitored post-event.