What You Can't Repeat Post Primaries, Don't Say It! - Kabilla Warns NPP Parliamentary Aspirants

James Kwabena Bomfeh, popularly called "Kabilla", has offered a word of advice to the parliamentary aspirants of the New Patriotic Party ahead of their primaries.

The New Patriotic Party will hold its primaries on Saturday, January 27, at constituencies with sitting Members of Parliament.

The party is going into their internal polls to elect their candidates to contest the December 7 parliamentary elections in hope to amass majority seats in Parliament.

The NPP aims to prevent the recurrence of splitting the parliamentary seats in equal halves like it happened during the 2020 elections.

The former General Secretary of the Convention People's Party, Kabilla speaking on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo" kept his message brief and precise, believing it will reach the aspirants and cause them to behave accordingly.

He asked them to be measured in the utterances, stressing "what you cannot sustain or repeat post the elections, don't say ahead of the elections".