Ken Ofori Atta Is "A Misfit For Our Economy" - Bernard Mornah

A former Chairman of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Bernard Mornah has described Ghana’s Finance Minister, Mr. Ken Ofori Atta as a misfit for the country’s economy.

Speaking on the Wednesday's edition of TV3s Big Issues, the politician who is also the leader of the Arise Ghana Youth movement, noted that the economic decisions taken by the finance minister only inflicts pain on the people of Ghana who are already struggling to make ends meet.

Expressing his thoughts on the TUCs issuance of one-week ultimatum on government to withdraw the 15% VAT on utility bills on residential customers, Mr. Bernard Mornah mentioned that the insensitivity of the finance minister on the financial difficulties being felt by Ghanaians is outrageous.

"....the finance minister’s continuous miscommunication and misinformation to the government has resulted in NPP communicators constantly attempting to justify the decisions he makes....the 18 New Patriotic Party (NPP) Members of Parliaments (MP) petition for removal of the finance minister was because he (Ofori Atta) was a misfit and still is....Ken Ofori Atta is a misfit for our economy and the longer he continue to stay, insitiutions and unions like TUC will continue to struggle,'' he surmised.

Mr. Mornah's commentary comes on the heels of a directive signed by the finance Minister, Ken Ofori on 12th December 2024, instructing ECG and NEDCO to implement a 15% VAT on electricity.  Mr. Mornah was not oblivious of the enactment of the ECG VAT in 2013 but mentioned that, the erstwhile Mahama government did not implement because the conditions at the time was not favorable for the implementation.  

Touching on the position of the Trades Union Congress, Benard Mornah opined that, the Union has been very lethargic over the years, adding "they have been inactive for a very long time. Some many ills have been perpetuated that affect their membership but Trades Union Congress have been unconcerned’’.