NPP Parliamentary Primaries: Loyal Ladies Congratulates Winners

The NPP Loyal Ladies has congratulated winners of the parliamentary primaries held by the New Patriotic Party on Saturday, January 27 2023.

In a congratulatory message, "The NPP Loyal Ladies would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners in the recently concluded NPP Parliamentary primaries. Your victory is a testament of your hard work, dedication, and the trust that the party members have placed in you. We are confident that you will continue to serve the party and the people with utmost integrity and commitment," they said.

The group further stated that, "To those who did not emerge victorious, we want to express our admiration for your courage and determination. We understand that this may be a difficult moment, but we urge you to see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Your participation in the primaries is a testament of your commitment to the party, and we believe that your contributions will continue to be invaluable in the upcoming general elections."

They urged all party members to rally behind the winners adding, "Now more than ever, it is crucial for all party members to come together and rally behind the winners. We must channel our energy and efforts towards campaigning and winning more seats for the party. Let us remember that our ultimate goal is to secure victory for our incoming president, Dr. Bawumia. Together, we can make a difference and bring about the positive change that our country needs."

"Congratulations once again to all the winners, and let us all work hand in hand to ensure a successful campaign and a resounding victory in the general elections. The NPP Loyal Ladies stand firmly behind you, ready to support and contribute to your success."