Brother Sammy To Host Gospel Shows In Pubs And Night Clubs

Ghanaian gospel musician, Brother Sammy, recently expressed his desire to organise a show in a club as part of his mission to spread the message of Christ and connect with individuals.

During an interview on Joy Prime, the controversial gospel artist said, although he does not frequent clubs, he recognises them as potential venues for sharing the teachings of Christ.

While discussing the potential controversy surrounding his decision, Brother Sammy clarified that his goal is not to seek attention but to communicate his beliefs sincerely.

He emphasised that his intention is not to stir up controversy but to honestly and authentically convey his faith.

He shared his vision of organising a show in a club, expressing his long-standing aspiration during various interviews.

Is this dream possible? Are people willing to be ministered to in clubs and pubs? Will the circular audience patronise him? Only time and Brother Sammy have the answers to these questions.