NUGS Welcomes Dr. Bawumia’s National Service Proposal

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS), has welcomed Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s proposal to make National Service optional if elected President.

The Vice President, while addressing the nation on his vision on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, pledged that National Service will no longer be mandatory under his government.

This, to him, is to help graduates who seek immediate employment after completing tertiary education.

Responding to the proposal, NUGS President, Daniel Oppong Kyeremeh, was of a strong view that if this policy is well implemented with government creating more jobs, it will help Ghanaian students who miss out on jobs.

He indicated that, because National Service is compulsory, graduates miss a lot of job opportunities.

“We all know that because NSS is mandatory, some students lose job opportunities so we believe its a good call and will help the students to get job offers right after school”, he said on Asempa FM's "Ekosii Sen" programme.

The NUGS President added that making NSS optional will also benefit experienced students who could enter the job market immediately after graduation.