You Can’t Blame Bawumia Solely For Economic Challenges, It Is A Shared Responsibility – Nana Akomea To Critics

The CEO of the Intercity State Transport Cooperation and the Vice Chairman of the 'Bawumia 2024 Campaign Team', Nana Akomea, has opposed the allegations that the Vice President and flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is responsible for Ghana’s economic hardships.

Nana Akomea reveals that Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia does not bear sole responsibility for Ghana's current economic difficulties.

He emphasised that, the economic crisis being experienced currently is a collective responsibility of every member of the government adding that it will be unfair to ascribe all the blame to the Vice President.

According to Nana Akomea, he is not oblivious of the important role Dr. Bawumia plays as the vice president in charge of the Economy but underscored the principle of collective responsibility within a governance system.

In an interview with Citi TV on Tuesday, February 20, monitored by, Mr Akomea highlighted Dr. Bawumia's consistent support for the Akufo-Addo administration, refuting claims that he has distanced himself from government affairs.

Nana Akomea debunked claims made by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) that Dr. Bawumia is exonerating himself from the economic woes of the country.

“You cannot take Bawumia out of the government, it is not possible, he’s the sitting Vice President. There’s a collective responsibility. This is not the man you can describe as taking himself out of the government. I heard some funny things mainly coming from the NDC,that Bawumia has betrayed Akufo-Addo, he has ostracised Akufo-Addo, and he has taken himself out of government. That is just propaganda. The man has been the biggest defender of the Akufo-Addo government’’ he said.

Dr. Akomea added, “During the NPP primaries, where many of the other ten people, thought it was fashionable to present themselves as anti-establishments, Bawumia was the only one who could talk to the delegates about the work of the government, before he went into his vision. Bawumia is not the person you can describe as taking himself out of the government.

“He accepts collective responsibility. What the NDC has tried to do, not in a clever way, what they are trying to say is Bawumia is responsible for whatever difficulties we are in today. How can he be responsible? How can you say one person is responsible?” he asked.

Nana Akomea, in his closing remarks called on all Ghanaians to support the Vision of Dr. Bawumia as the December general elections draw closer.