Your Text Is Not In Good Faith - Kabilla Slams Kofi Bentil

James Kwabena Bomfeh has slammed the Senior Vice President of IMANI Africa, Kofi Bentil over his attack on the first Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Member of Parliament for Bekwai, Joseph Osei-Wusu, popularly known as Joe Wise. 

Speaking on Ghana's leading Morning Show, Kokrokoo, Kwabena Bomfeh condemned Kofi Bentil's speculations of the purported reshuffling of the majority leadership in Parliament. 

On Wednesday, February 14, there was news within the mdeia space of a [possible reshuffling of the majority leeadership in Parliament which will have the deputy majority leader moved up to become the substabtive majority leader.
In a text to Peace FM's Kokrokoo morning show, Lawyer Kofi Bentil said, ''.....Apart from his demonstrated commitment and loyalty, he is from the strategic Central Region.

"It is near impossible to lose Central Region and win the election. I can't understand why Afenyo Markin's ascent would be resisted by persons on their way out. I really was thinking or thought Uncle Kyei Mensah Bonsu will be gracious about this, leave in glory after his illustrous career in Parliament. Its not too late Uncle Kyei.

"Please let Alex move up, be the one to hand your seat over to him graciously. If, as we suspect, the Vice Presidential slot will go to the Ashanti region, then please, let's give Parliament to Central Region, to Afenyo Markin. I don't know what the flagbearer thinks, but i think this is the best way. And I hope everyone will listen to him and let him steer the ship.''

In a rebuttal, Mr. Bomfeh, also known as Kabilla, opined that, questioning the Bekwai legislator's Press Conference is an attack on him.

According to Kabilla, Joe Osei Owusu's press conference was as a result of speculations on social media which he condemns in no uncertain terms. 

''Who in the NPP or majority caucus does not want to appoint Afenyo Markin as majority leader. So what is the basis for his text?'' 

''I don't think it is right. As much as I agree that the first deputy speaker ought not to have done that, I also do not think Kofi Bentil's text is in good faith or right,'' Kabilla said.