When You Think You've Seen It All...

A mum has lashed out at the Art Gallery of South Australia for a graphic installation which she says children should be 'safeguarded' from viewing.

Sarah Game, a One Nation MP in South Australia, shared several photos of the artworks, which include a nude man with female genitalia smoking a cigar and an ape breastfeeding a human baby.

The enormous pieces of art are situated in a room full of 'radical classical' art, including traditional paintings hanging on the walls behind.

A painting of baby Jesus and Mary is situated directly behind one of the sculptures.

'I support free speech but I believe parents have the right to safeguard their children's moral and ethical upbringing,' Ms Game said.  

'I used to love taking my children to the Art Gallery of South Australia, but after seeing these photos from a concerned constituent, I won't be going back anytime soon.'