Ghanaian Journalist's Investigation And Testimonial About QNET After Trip To Its Head Office In Malaysia

In recent years, QNET, a prominent direct-selling firm headquartered in Hong Kong and Malaysia, has faced significant scrutiny and accusations of scamming and extortion, particularly in Ghana and other West African countries.

The company has always maintained its innocence, blaming a few unscrupulous Independent Representatives (IRs) for taking advantage of the company’s global appeal to dupe innocent people.

To uncover the truth, I traveled to Malaysia in May, coinciding with QNET's annual convention, V-CON. In this article, I share my findings.

My journey was long and tiring, but ultimately enlightening, providing insights into a company that is genuine in its operations yet plagued by misunderstandings and malicious misuse of its name.

Malaysia, known for its law and order and growing prosperity, was the perfect setting to explore QNET's true nature. The QI Tower in the Pataling Jaya district of Kuala Lumpur, a 15-storey edifice owned by QNET’s parent company, QI, is where my investigation began.

This tower is not only a testament of the QI Group’s reach but also houses a wide range of QNET’s products, from energy and weight management solutions to personal care and technology products. The QI Group, a diversified multinational entity headquartered in Hong Kong, boasts a presence in nearly 30 countries, underscoring the legitimacy and scale of QNET’s operations.

The timing of my visit was opportune as it coincided with V-CON 2024, one of the largest gatherings of business leaders and entrepreneurs associated with QNET globally.

The convention was abuzz with energy as attendees from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other countries around the world shared their success stories and experiences with QNET.

The highlight of the event was the arrival of QNET’s Founder and Chairman, Vijay Eswaran, and Co-Founder, Joseph Bismark. Their speeches, along with those of other leaders, painted a picture of a company committed empowering people through direct selling.