EC Gives 2 Day Extension for Ongoing Limited Voter Registration Exercise

The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced an extension of the Limited Voter Registration Exercise.

The Electoral Commission, on the 6th of May, 2024, commenced its limited voter registration exercise at the various district offices of the Commission to make way for persons who have attained the legal age of eighteen (18) and persons who could not register during the last exercise to do so.

The registration exercise which was supposed to end on the 27th of May, 2024 has seen a change of date to 29th May, 2024.

In a communiqué issued on Friday, May 24, the Electoral body stated that, “The Electoral Commission is pleased to inform the public that the ongoing Voters registration exercise has been extended for two (2) additional days. The exercise will now end on Wednesday, the 29th of May, 2024.”

The EC considers the additional days necessary due to the technical hitches the exercise was faced with when it begun.

It is recalled that there were records of network challenges that confronted the exercise across the various regions in the country. Other challenges included malfunctioning of the electoral devices needed for the registration exercise which had to be resolved thereby affecting the registration process.

“This arrangement has been put in place to make up for the network challenges experienced during the first two days of the Registration Exercise.

"The Commission aims to ensure that all eligible Voters who wish to register, are afforded the opportunity to do so. We urge all eligible citizens who are yet to register to visit the Commission’s office in the District where they reside to register to vote.”