2024 Elections: Military Should Be Restricted from Polling Stations - Speaker Cautions

Rt. Hon. Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, Speaker of Parliament, has urged the military to stay away from polling stations during the upcoming December 7 general elections.

The Speaker of parliament expressed worry over the appearance of the military at polling stations during elections, which, most often than not, leads to military-civilian brutality.

The Speaker pledged to engage the President, Presidential candidates for the various political parties and movements, heads of the various securities agencies and the major stakeholders who over the years have played pivotal roles in ensuring that the elections are incident-free.

According to him, this engagement is meant to discuss extensively on measures that can be taken to ensure free, fair, transparent and credible elections.

Mr. Speaker made this assertion while giving his opening remarks in Parliament on Tuesday, June 11, where he underscored the need to have the military restricted from the polling stations unless they are called to deal with a dire situation which may be beyond the duties of the Ghana Police Service.

He said, “We don’t want to see [the] military during the election. When there is a need to call them, they will be called, but they should not be at polling or voting centres."

“Honourable members, the clergy and notable civil society leaders will be actively involved. The signs and signals of happiness in the country are not those of assurance and hope.”

Meanwhile, the minority leader and Member of Parliament for Ajumako Essian Enyian, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson has stated that the Electoral Commission should be called to order over what he describes as dangerous actions that have the tendency of undermining the peace and security of the country.

Speaking in parliament on Tuesday, Dr. Ato Forson said, “It is therefore imperative that Parliament calls the Electoral Commission to order to save this democracy and protect the peace and stability of our dear country.”

“Mr Speaker, the NDC Minority Caucus want to use this forum to demand an urgent committee of the whole to iron out these grave concerns with the Electoral Commission before it is too late.”