South Africa’s Youngest MP is Aged 20

A coalition deal has been confirmed that will see Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as president.

The leader of the second largest party, which is part of the deal, calls this a 'new chapter' for the country
The new MPs have been sworn in after the 29 May election.

That was when the African National Congress lost its majority for the first time in 30 years.

The outcome forced the party into coalition talks.

The MPs are expected to elect the president after the election of the speaker and deputy speaker of parliament.

The party that came third in the poll - ex-President Jacob Zuma's uMkhonto weSizwe - has challenged the outcome of the election and said its MPs would not turn up.

The MPs are expected to elect the president after the election of the speaker and deputy speaker of parliament.

The party that came third in the poll - ex-President Jacob Zuma's uMkhonto weSizwe - has challenged the outcome of the election and said its MPs would not turn up.

As the voting for speaker is still going on, one of those who'll be taking part is Cleo Wilskut, who at the age of 20 is this parliament's youngest MP.

Earlier Wilskut, a Patriotic Alliance (PA) MP, walked alongside her party leader Gayton McKenzie, as she took the oath with eight other legislators. Jasmine Petersen - another of the party's MPs - is 22.

Once the election of speaker and deputy speaker is completed they will participate in the election of the country's next president.

That's set to be Cyril Ramaphosa after a deal for a Government of National Unity was agreed, which the PA is also backing.