Choose Peace Over Political Violence And Division - A.M.E Zion Bishop tells Ghanaians

The Presiding Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E) Zion Church – Western West Africa Episcopal District, Rt. Rev. Dr. Hilliard K. Dela Dogbe, has urged Ghanaian electorate to choose peace over political violence and division.

According to the revered church leader, the process of choosing a President should not lead to acrimony among political parties and Ghanaians at large.

He maintained that, “Politics should not divide us; it should rather showcase our diversity, as the parties campaign, let’s listen for ideas, deliberate on them and choose the ones that best address our challenges. Peace is what we all desire, not conflict.”

Rt. Rev. Dr. Dela Dogbe made this clarion call during the 2nd Biennial Joint Conference of the East, West and Mid Ghana Conference of the AME Zion Church, on the theme, ‘The Freedom Church: Securing our Future’. In attendance for the conference is Ghana’s Vice President and the presidential candidate on the ticket of the ruling New patriotic Party, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and other bigwigs of the NPP.

Dr Bawumia underscored the importance of collectively formulating goals that will propel the nation to its highest pedestal, relying on relevant knowledge and experience.

Dr. Bawumia noted, “The Conference theme… is a stirring appeal to each of us to believe in the future and take deliberate steps now to preserve, protect, and secure it at all cost. As with all nations around the world, we have had some very turbulent and troubling economic challenges in recent times, yet this cannot and should not be allowed to dampen our confidence and faith in the future that God himself has for us.

“We must determine where we want to be in the future and carefully plan how to get there. It requires visionary leadership to chart the path for the future and committed and dedicated people who strive to achieve their ideals and aspirations for the future.

“Thus, if we are to truly secure the future, it is imperative that we carefully consider the implication of our current actions and inactions on our future and take steps to attain the desired goal,” he noted.

He added, “Would it be too much to ask that Christians complement their prayer vigils and revivals with honest diligent work? Is it too much to ask that each individual commits to personal cleanliness and respect for the environment? Can we commit to holding leadership at all levels to account, irrespective of political or religious leanings, with the same passion with which we strive to uphold the rule of law? Can the church reclaim its prophetic voice and mandate by being faithful and true to her divine calling?”

The Vice President applauded the AME Zion Church for their invaluable contributions to the national development in the areas of healthcare, basic and secondary education, advocacy and promotion of social justice adding that the denomination’s participation in the activities of the Christian Council of Ghana aimed at addressing critical issues of national interest also deserves commendation.

“I have no doubt that the Almighty God has brought each of us to a time such as this for a reason. He has divinely equipped us to rise up to the occasion and build our beloved nation Ghana.

“May the love of God and nation under-gird our efforts, even as the AME Zion Church and its members partner with the President, HE Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, and I, to bring transformation to the lives of our people and communities,” he stated.