16 Ways To Protect Your Brain Health

Misplace your glasses or occasionally forget a friend�s name? These common memory lapses are normal � not signs of Alzheimer�s, a form of dementia that robs one of cognitive skills and independence. However, we now know Alzheimer�s starts in the brain decades before behavioral symptoms appear. But there are many ways to protect brain health, doctors say, and you may be doing some of them already! Read on for their expert tips... We think of Alzheimer�s disease as an older person�s illness, but experts say critical proteins begin to break down as early as middle age. �Long before you really start to notice you�re more forgetful or having trouble learning new things, your brain is experiencing changes that lead to the plaques and tangles that typically occur in Alzheimer�s,� says Daniel G. Amen, M.D., a psychiatrist and author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body (Three Rivers Press). Plaques are clumpy deposits of proteins that develop between brain cells in Alzheimer�s patients. They can block the brain from sending important messages. When nerve fibers that nourish the brain become twisted, they�re called tangles, another symptom of Alzheimer�s disease. Because you�re not likely to get diagnosed early when this damage is just starting, adopt a healthy brain lifestyle now to stop symptoms before they start. Some surprising strategies can ward off Alzheimer�s disease, such as losing weight, breaking up your workload � even brushing your teeth. Read on for brain health tips for nearly every phase of life. In Your 30s You�re busy starting a family, launching a career and establishing a home. If you�re like most women, you�re probably feeling frazzled. Still, habits you set now will boost brain health for decades to come. Brain Health Tip #1: Get your heart pumping. Aerobic exercise triggers the secretion of brain growth factor (BGF), a neuronal growth hormone, says Pierce J. Howard, Ph.D., author of The Owner�s Manual for the Brain (Bard Press) and director of research for the Center for Applied Cognitive Studies in Charlotte, N.C. Exercise is �like fertilizer for the brain,� he says. That�s because it creates new connections �for learning and strengthening what you already know,� he adds. Aim to do slightly strenuous exercise, such as brisk walking or bicycling, 30 minutes a day, five days a week. �If you�re not a little winded at the end, [your activity] hasn�t been brisk enough,� Howard says. Brain Health Tip #2: Cut back on saturated fats. Found in animal products such as meat, butter and cheese, saturated fats are the artery-clogging culprits behind cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which starve blood flow to your brain. �Brain function is improved by having good circulation,� says William Thies, Ph.D., chief medical and scientific officer for the Alzheimer�s Association. �What�s good for your heart is good for your brain,� he explains. Brain Health Tip #3: Steer clear of cigarettes. If you smoke, quit. Smoking nearly doubled the risk for Alzheimer�s disease, according to a 2010 study in the Journal of Alzheimer�s Disease. That�s because nicotine disrupts oxygen flow to the brain, reducing its ability to use glucose, leading to memory loss and problem-solving difficulties, Howard says. It also raises cortisol, the stress hormone that keeps your body in a constant fight-or-flight state, he says. �Cortisol affects the [brain�s] hippocampus, which affects the formation and retention of memory,� Howard says. �[It] literally shrinks the hippocampus over time.� Brain Health Tip #4: Organize your priorities. Many women try to do too much and end up stressed and exhausted, says Gary Small, M.D., director of the University of California � Los Angeles� Center on Aging at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, and author of The Memory Prescription (Hyperion). �The problem is that we take on too many [responsibilities]� and that affects the brain�s ability to focus and remember, he says. So start by assessing your priorities, learn to say no to demands on your time and ask for help. Brain Health Tip #5: Brush and floss. Your dentist�s advice may do more than clean your teeth � it may also protect your brain. Adults in their 60s with gum disease were more likely to do poorly on cognitive tests involving memory and calculations, according to a 2010 study at Columbia University. So follow these tips from the American Dental Association: Brush at least twice a day and floss every day. In Your 40s No wonder they call this the sandwich generation. You�re working a full-time job, raising children and caring for aging parents. At the same time, hormones are shifting as you enter perimenopause, the period before menopause, when menstrual cycles cease. All these changes cause tremendous stress and rob you of time to eat well and exercise regularly. Brain Health Tip #6: Eat fish. Certain fish, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, contain omega-3 fatty acids that keep the membranes supple, Amen says. �The brain�s cell membranes need omega-3s, especially DHA [docosahexaenoic acid] to function properly, he explains. �It increases fluidity and function.� Don�t like seafood? Take fish oil capsules instead: 1,000 milligrams (mg) daily. Make sure the supplement has both EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA, the most beneficial of the fatty acids, he advises. Brain Health Tip #7: Stop multitasking. Feel more efficient when you�re trying to do more than one thing at a time? In fact, it takes a toll on your brain, causing stress and possibly long-term memory loss, Small says. Interruptions are particularly damaging to memory in older adults, a 2010 study at the University of California in San Francisco suggests. It�s also inefficient and time-consuming to constantly switch from one task to another. �The key to ending multitasking is to know you�re doing it,� Small says. �When you catch yourself doing it, eliminate at least one task. Focus on just one thing.� Brain Health Tip #8: Watch your weight. Overweight, middle-aged adults are more vulnerable to dementia, according to a 2011 study in the journal Neurology. Researchers found they were 80% more likely to develop dementia than peers with a normal body mass index (BMI). �Fat produces inflammatory chemicals that damage the brain,� Amen says. �As your weight goes up, the function of the prefrontal cortex [which controls decision making and social behavior] goes down.� Brain Health Tip #9: Get a good night�s sleep. Researchers have long known that sleep is essential for memory, and a 2011 study at Stanford University found that uninterrupted sleep is what counts. It�s important for recharging the brain and forming memories, Howard says. But sleep isn�t easy when hormones are shifting and you�re juggling multiple responsibilities. To boost odds for sound sleep, Howard recommends these tips: * Limit caffeine intake, especially in the six hours before bedtime. * If you wake to go to the bathroom, try restricting fluids after dinner. * If necessary, try taking melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that causes sleepiness. Brain Health Tip #10: Try meditation. Daily meditation reduces stress and amounts of the brain-sabotaging hormone cortisol, Small says. People who did mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation increased gray matter in areas of the brain involved in learning and memory, according to 2010 Harvard University study. Meditation also induces feelings of relaxation and greater mental clarity. Whether you focus on your breath, a mantra or prayer, the key is to do it consistently, Small says. �Any healthy brain strategy works best when practiced over time,� Small says. �One five-minute meditation session once a month is unlikely to do that.� In Your 50s and Beyond With kids out of the house, you may be breathing easier. Now you have time to focus on your own health. Brain Health Tip #11: Learn something new. New knowledge and skills can protect you from dementia by creating synapses and connections in the brain, Howard says. �You may have tangles in the brain, but when you form connections, they bypass those.� But what you learn should be different from what you already know. For example, �if you know French and decide to [learn] Italian, it�s not going to be as effective [on your brain health] as Chinese,� Howard says. At the same time, keep doing things you enjoy, he advises. Brain Health Tip #12: Eat 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Fresh produce contains antioxidants that �help reduce the oxidative stress of brain aging and memory loss,� says Michael Wald, M.D., C.C.N., director of nutritional services at Integrated Medicine & Nutrition in Mount Kisco, NY. It�s especially important to include berries in your diet, Wald says. Berries have anthocyanins, antioxidants that shield the brain from cell-damaging free radicals. Vegetables high in antioxidants include beans, artichokes and russet potatoes. Brain Health Tip #13: Get support. One key to a healthy brain is having a supportive network of people, whether relatives, coworkers or new acquaintances. �The more quality relationships an individual maintains and nurtures, the better chance of staving off dementia,� Howard says. �Friendships reduce stress, which lowers cortisol.� Brain Health Tip #14: Eat healthy proteins. All proteins contain amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, which help the brain produce neurotransmitters essential for proper brain function, Wald says. Good sources include raw nuts, pumpkin seeds and egg whites, he adds. Brain Health Tip #15: Take up ping-pong or ballroom dancing. These activities challenge mind and body simultaneously, requiring skills such as anticipating the next move and good coordination. They �activate the cerebellum in the bottom of the brain, which helps with thinking, organization and impulse control,� Amen explains. Brain Health Tip #16: Get into nature. Too much time in sealed homes and offices saps your brain of fresh oxygen, which is essential to clear thinking, Howard says. So get outside for frequent breaks or at least open a window. Just spending time in nature and sunshine can boost brain health by improving mood and creating calm. It also provides vitamin D, and people with low levels of the �sunshine vitamin� have a greater risk for cognitive decline, according to a 2010 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine.