Is Breast Really Best? Study Finds Babies Fed On Formula Milk Cry Less And Are Easier To Get To Sleep

It is often said that breast is best. But bottle-fed babies are the best behaved. A study of British infants found those who were breast-fed cried more, smiled and laughed less and were harder to soothe and get off to sleep than their formula-fed counterparts. The Cambridge researchers however, say that the irritability linked to breastfeeding is only natural, and not a sign of stress or even necessarily hunger. Instead, it is the baby�s way of bonding and seeking attention and security. While bottle fed babies may seem more content, they may simply have eaten too much. Like adults who comfort eat, they may have been calmed by eating, or drinking, more than they should. In one of the first studies of its kind, the temperament of more than 300 babies was assessed when they were three months old.